This site brought to you by Chris N
This site, as the notation above makes clear, represents my little place in the vast realm of cyberspace to share my devotion and spiritual rapport with the great pantheon of deities who have been revered across the spectrum of time as the Norse gods & goddesses. They were also worshiped and revered by the ancestors of the modern Germans (the Teutons), where they were called by different names than those used by the Norsemen (e.g., Odin was referred to as Wodan, and Thor as Donar). These deities are likely to have been worshiped by various other tribes of people throughout human history under various names as well, and possibly shifting hierarchical roles throughout various times and cultures (for example, it's believed by modern scholars that some ancient cultures may originally have considered Tyr, not Odin, as the highest god of the pantheon, and many believe the race of jotuns, or giants, were worshiped as bona fide deities prior to the Aesir and the Vanir--the two separate tribes of deities who eventually merged to become the gods of Asgard--the latter of whom eventually took the place of the giants in the hearts and souls of the mortal race, with the giants eventually becoming devalued into forces of chaos).
The great power and influence of the deities continues to resonate throughout the material Earthly plane (or Midgard, as the ancient Norse called it), and with each passing year a growing number of us mortals are rediscovering and building relationships with the deities on a spiritual level to challenge the world's reigning dominance of monotheism. Some of these individuals are of the original Norse bloodline, while others are not but nevertheless still feel some sort of metaphysical 'kinship' with the Asgardian deities and have thus chosen to build bonds with them. Many modern heathens revere these great and ancient deities through reconstructions of the old Norse religion, as is the case with the many kindreds of Asatru, whereas others prefer to celebrate our reverence for the deities via incorporating them into the context of a more modern Pagan religion, as is the case with Norse Wicca. Arguments persist amongst those of us who have bonded with the Asgardian deities as to which form of reverence does them greater justice, but in my own humble opinion I believe that both iterations have their place in the world; and both are legitimate albeit different ways for us mortal denizens of Midgard to build a rapport with the deities of the Northern world. It is my firm belief that the deities can be reached either through the old ways or newer ways with an equal amount of alacrity, and are adaptable to the disparate spiritual needs and leanings of the mortal race, as would be most befitting for beings who transcend time as we mortals know it. Sharing a bloodline with their ancient mortal worshipers is a plus, but not essential, for there may be alternate ways for the deities to be drawn to seek a bond with certain mortals of the present. Hopefully, it will one day prove the will of the gods themselves that all of us mortals who love and have sought a bond with the deities will come to respect each others' different ways of showing our connection to them, while also eventually coming to see each other as one single spiritual kinship that goes beyond the biological borders of our individual genetic bloodlines.
With this site, I will feature a different page dedicated to each of the deities from the Norse pantheon that I have a strong personal rapport with, or who are so exceptionally important to the pantheon that they deserve honorable reverence anyway, as well as a page giving a brief description of the Nine Worlds of the Asgardian cosmology - along with the various races of beings outside of the deities and mortals who inhabit each of them: the dwarves, the giants (a.k.a., the jotuns), the light elves, the dark elves, the dwarves, the fire demons, and various singular beings of note; and a page briefly recapping the association between certain Norse deities and the seven days of the week (did you know that the English word for each day of the week is associated with a different Norse deity, and four of the seven days are actually named for one of them, e.g., Thursday literally means "Thor's Day"?).
Important note: Due to difficulties with transliteration from the ancient Nordic lingo to modern English, different sources will spell the names of the various deities and some of the realms or other prominent entities of their cosmology differently from each other (e.g., "Balder" instead of "Baldur," or "Freya" as opposed to "Freyja," or "Surtur" in place of "Surt," et al.), so on this site I use the spellings that I am most familiar with and personally prefer, though that doesn't make other sources "wrong" for spelling these names differently. Other spelling preferences are important, in my opinion, for aesthetic reasons (e.g., "Frigga" instead of "Frigg") and to distinguish between a deity and a realm that may have been named after her (e.g., "Hela" instead of "Hel") and even to prevent confusion between a realm from the Norse cosmology and a similarly spelled and pronounced realm from an entirely different theological system (e.g., "Helheim" instead of "Hel").
Disclaimer: The pics utilized on this site have been taken from various locations online and are meant to represent the diversity of artistic representations of the Norse deities and their various symbols in art and jewelry--both old and in more modern times--that have been rendered by those who have been spiritually touched or otherwise influenced by the grandeur of these deities. None of them are my own creation. A portion of the contemporary art depictions of the Norse deities and their world acquired for this site from online sources were beautifully rendered by Agnes D. Olson, one of the most talented fantasy artists in the field, and her distinctive style can be easily discerned. If any of the rightful owners of any of these works of art want me to remove their respective rendition or renditions from this page, all you have to do is e-mail me a request to remove them at cmysticism[AT]fastmail[DOT]fm and I will comply with your request promptly.
A Rune-Pentacle Production